5 Great Children's Books To Teach Kids About Money
It’s always a good idea to start planning early when it comes to teaching your kids about money. With the holidays right around the corner, now is a great time to gift the children in your life books that they can enjoy while also teaching them how to be financially responsible.
Lemonade in Winter, Emily Jenkins and G. Brian Karas
Ages: 2-7
This book focuses on two siblings who decide to open a lemonade stand in the winter. The book features a catchy refrain about lemonade while telling a story about how sometimes great ideas don’t turn out as you hope. We love this book as it teaches the very basics of entrepreneurship and a small amount of basic math.
Bunny Money, Rosemary Wells
Ages: 3-7
Max and Ruby are two bunny siblings. Ruby has saved $100 to buy her grandmother a birthday present, but a number of unexpected events occur which causes some of the money to disappear. They start to worry if they will have enough money to buy their grandmother a gift. This is a great book to teach your children basic money math, such as addition and subtraction, as well as the idea of a budget and how you need to be prepared with an emergency fund.
Joseph Had a Little Overcoat, Simms Taback
Ages: 3-8
This story is about a frugal man who has a nice overcoat, but he wears it a lot and it begins to wear out. Eventually, he reuses the material to make a jacket, then a vest, then various other things until it becomes a cloth button. It won a Caldecott Medal for the beautiful drawings that show how the material from Joseph’s overcoat is reused to make other things. Pick up this book to teach your children how to be frugal and how to reuse certain items of value.
Annie’s Adventures, Lauren Baratz-Logsted
Ages: 6-12
This book the first part of a series called “The Sisters 8” about orphaned octuplet girls whose parents disappear. In this book, Annie ends up having to figure out their parents’ financial situation, including how to write checks, interpret bills and eventually pay for all of it. Reading this book, children will learn beyond the basics of earning money and paying bills and learn about the use of checks. There are also elements of entrepreneurship, frugality and money management decisions.
The Lemonade War, Jacqueline Davies
Ages: 8-12
This is the first in a series about two siblings who open up competing lemonade stands. The siblings use their skills and a few ideas about entrepreneurship to drive their “lemonade war.” It teaches the basics of entrepreneurship, planning and money management.
Gifting children a book that they will not only enjoy, but which also teaches a lesson, is a great way to kill two birds with one stone. When starting to teach your children about money, books are a great place to start. These are great books by wonderful authors and we hope that these top picks help make your holiday shopping a bit easier!
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